Follow Up on 2022 Budget Speech Tax Updates

Author: Amjad Tiseker

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As we reach the end of the first month of 2022, most of our clients will now be running payroll.  We are happy to remind you that your first pay run will be completely compliant with the 2022 tax changes, as announced in last year’s budget speech. 

Most of the updates are automatically accounted for in the employees RPNs and SimplePay retrieves the most updated RPNs directly from Revenue on your behalf. The announced changes which required updates to the SimplePay system have already been implemented by our development team and we have ensured that all payslips from 1 January 2022 will apply these changes. There is no  action required on your part.

Some notable changes to the operation of PAYE, USC, PRSI and EWSS were discussed in our previous blog on this topic, here.

Should you have any questions regarding SimplePay or any of our services, please feel free to contact [email protected] for assistance.

Keep well and stay safe.

Team SimplePay